List of Tamil words in Woleaian language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Woleaian language
Dr. Varainkaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Woleaian is the main language of the island of Woleai and surrounding smaller islands in the state of Yap of the Federated States of Micronesia. Woleaian is a Trukic language. Within that family, its closest relative is Satawalese, with which it is largely mutually intelligible. Woleaian is spoken by approximately 1700 people. Woleai has a writing system of its own, a syllabary based on the Latin alphabet.
Most Woleaian speakers or Woleaians as they are more commonly known as are mostly found in the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Central and Eastern Caroline Islands. More specifically most of the speakers are found in Yap State in Micronesia where Woleaian is considered an official language. Most Woleaian speakers are classified as Pacific Islanders and Micronesian (People-In-Country Profile). The island of Yap is broken up into two parts: Yap Proper, which is made up of Gagil, Tomil, Fanif, Weloy, and Rull—and the Yap Outer Islands, which is made up of Ulithi, Faris/Sorol, Ngulu, Woleai, Eauripik, Ifalik, Faraulap, Elato, Lamotrek and Satawal. Aside from Woleaian, many speakers in Yap and other nearby places speak other languages, like Yapese, Satawalese, Ulithian, English, Chuukese, Kosraean, Pingelapese, Pohnpeian, Mwoakilloan, and some Asian and Polynesian Languages (Yap Census Report, 2002). The Woleaian language and culture is very important to the Woleaian people, as well as their history. The Woleaian history is passed down from generation to generation by storytelling. By doing so this helps to keep their language alive. As well as passing down their history, they also pass down their music, which is important to them. An important part of their culture is their clothing. Their clothing is so important to them that they have strict rules against wearing any type of western clothing. They also enjoy using canoes to get around instead of motorboats, and simple things like beautiful beaches and going fishing. They also enjoy working and spending time with their family and friends (Team).
In 1987, a Yap Census was taken and reported that there were about 1,630 people speaking the language. 13 years later when the census was taken in 2000 there was an increase of speakers and about 5,000 people were speaking or knew the language. Of these 5,000 speakers about 4,500 of them spoke Woleaian as their first language and 500 of them as their second language (Yap Census Report, 2002).
Woleaian is classified as an Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Oceanic, Central-Eastern Oceanic, Remote Oceanic, Micronesian, Micronesian Proper, Ponapeic-Trukic, Trukic language (Woleaian).

Clues to read Woleaian words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Japanese word, a Tamil word can be derived.
Woleaian English Dictionary – Editor- Donald M. Topping
English- Woleaian words – Tamil
* be itchy – barig- arikka
2.deaf- bet -pottai
*3.dead/ plant- bbat- patta peel- bbur- uri area- biu leiu- pulam
* house/ village- bugot- kudi be tied- bugotag-kattuka
*8.fleet /squadron- butai – padai arrive- buutog- adaika
10.barren- faairo-paeru inmai ; inmai- without.
11.tie with a string- faatali- thoduththal ;pinaiththal . string -ffaat -thodu ;pinaiththidu .
13.kick it- faati- uthai ; uthai poadu ; letters are jumbled.
14.grow big/ become larger- farikikit- perukida ; peruththiduka ; letters are jumbled.
*15.pluck it- fatigi –peiththiduka write- fatogi theetuka
17.bind it/tie it- feoti- pinaiththidu
18.small menstrual house- fetattiul-podi theetu illam ; theetu- menses ; illam- house; podi- small .
*19.look for/ search -ffag- paakka go with it- fti –poaeidu / go
*21.wrap it- fti – pothi idu ;pothi- bundle; idu- make.
* male- gaal- kaalai /bull
*23.drink it- gaati- kudi/ drink be drunk- gaatiyet-kudiththu mattai adiththida / intoxicated ; kudi- liquor; kudi- to drink .
* kaduvan / male cat
* pack- gaaut- kattu
*27.pack it-gaauteli- kattuthal
28.smell of raw fish – gach-kavichchai
*29.make them small- gakiti -kutti aakku
*30.mark it- gaiuriu- kuri
*31.make it itchy – gekeotiu- kadiththida
*32.possessive classifier for food- gal- koozh/ food
*33.scare him- galiuwa- kili / fear
*34.sennit- galo galo -kazhi / rope about it- gapeta- kathai
36.make hard /strong- gaasit- kadiya / hard
37.ask- gassiy- kaekka
*38.small basket for food- gat- koodai / basket
*39.destroy it-gatecha- kedu
*40.destroy it- gatera- keduththar
41.sleepy- gatel – kann adaithal ; kann- eye; kidaththal- to sleep / lie down . deceive- gatefati -keththu
43.remove/ transfer- gateoteo- akatridu ; nakaththidu
*44.move it- gateow- akaththi vai ; nakaththi vai
* his fare- gateoa-kattu; kattanam kattu; kattanam-fare;kattu- to pay . off / boast- gatiig- pakattaaka
* cut something with a knife and lift it up- gatik- kaathuka /to cut ; kaththi yaeo kondu kaathuka ; kaththi- knife . point- gatiiti –eduththu kaattu ; letters are jumbled; letters are read more than once.
49.make it compact- gatiya-kattimai/ compactness
*51.hollowed- gatou-kudaiya
* collect/ gather—gatteiuy- koottu ; koodu .
*53.fare- gatteo-kattanam
* pay the fare- gatteo-kattu / to pay
55.put a hand on it- gattepa-kai idu ; kai- hand; idu- put. shout- gabat- kaththu
*57.carve- gatub- koththu
*58.troops- geitei- koottam
* be hooked- geotag- kokki iduka ; kokki- hook ; iduka- to do .
* due to smoke/ sooty -geraat- kari aayida /to become sooty ; kari- soot.
* read- geragi – karkka/ learn
*62.a kind of bird with long neck- gereo- kuri ee/ small bird
*63.cut it- geriu- keeru
64.grind it- geriu- araikka; letters are in reversed order.
*65.near- getaa- kitta stretch out one’s arms- getag-kai neettuka; kai- hand; neetuka- to stretch.
67.throw it- getagesha- kidaasuka; letters are jumbled.
68.walk in a line- getal- koattil adi eduththal ; koadu- line; adi- foot; edu- take.
69.door- getam- kathavu
70.make him weep/ cry- getangi- kaththuka
* support- getoatoa- kai koduththidu /to lend a hand ; kai- hand; kodu- give.
* be itchy- gett- kadi / itchy
* gettaur- kadiththar ; kai thoduthar .
*74.cut it- giliiy – kizhi
*75.small/ little- git- kutti
76.small / little- giti giit- kutti kuttiyaa
77.female lover- giuliut- kaathali ; letters are jumbled; kaathalan / male lover.
* goal –koozh
*79.capture/ catch – gola- kai kollu
*80.bandage/ dressing- gootai- kattu
*81.destroyed- gul- kulai ;kollu .
* rub- iriir- uraaiya
*83.below- ital- adiyil
*84.dip- itiit- thoaiththida scoop- itiit –thoandu be in the first place-itto- motha idam ; motha- first; idam- place.
* pull- iuliul- izhu
*88.raised- iuriutag- yaeriduka
* shake- iush iush- asai
*90.wiped out- iutiut- thudaiththidu give birth – iyyag- eenuka
*92.there- iyang-ankkae
*93.baboo stick-iyat- thadi/ stick
94.card/ game- kaat- seettu kattu
95.mark- kaiur- kuri
*96.mark it- kakeeruuw—kuri vai
*97.tie/ bind- kat- kattu
*98.wrapping of cooked breadfruit- kootiyali- kattuthal/wrapping
*99.hole- kel- kuzhi
* crow- keo- kaa kaa / onomotopoeic
101.tomorrow- laiu- naalai
10.deep- lal- aazham
*103.inside- lal- ullae
*104.heart/ mind- lal- ullam
*105.kill it- liiy- azhi ; ozhi . chew- liu liu- mellu
*107.waves- loa- alai
*108.have too many waves- loa loa- alai alaiya
* pull- lug- izhukka estate - maat- thoattam ; letters are in reversed order; mittaa . change into a garden- maata –thoattama maaththu ; maaththu- change.
* break- marip- muri
*113.point- mat- mudi/ summit
* be clam- mwatiyetiy-amaithi adaiya ;amaithi- clam/ peace .
*116.what- naani –enna
* be going- nenag- neenkka be sweet/ taste - neo- inippu
*119.coconut fond- paaley- paalai
120.count it- paangi -ennuka
*121.side- pieg- pakkam
*122.throw it down- peiti- poattidu
123.hit- peotag- adikka; poattu thaakku .
124.swept off- peotag- thudaikka
125.rice- peraas-arisi be scattered- perett-eraiththida /to scatter
127.dispersed- perett- pirinthida
*128.huge flat rock- porou- paarai
129.whale- ras- suraa ; letters are in reversed order.
130.whale meat – ras- suraa eraichchi ; eraichchi- meat ; letters are in reversed order.
*131.saw it - reey—aru
*132.rub against- reo- uraiya
*133.two- riuwa- eru
* thin objects/ like leaf- riuwaal- eru ilai ; ilai- leaf ;eru- two.
*135.two flat objects like mat – riuwapeo- eru paai ;paai- mat.
* open wildly- waaru- viriya
*137.a little- sar- siriya
* arrive- seer- saera
*139.rooster- seigool- saava -k- kozhi ;ka= va; va= ka.
140.student- seito- sattan
141.fresh water- shal- aal /water; jalam.
142.slipper- soori-seruppu
*143.bind it /connect- sooti – saeththidu
144.taboo-tab- thadai / forbid/ block;thappu/ wrong . float in shallow water- tag- mithakka
*146.ride it-tagee-oaattuka
*147.drum-taiko-udukkai ;thakkai .
* sharpen- teitei-theettu
*149.rope- tal- thalai
*150.boyfriend- tal- thoazhan
*151.girlfriend- tal- thoazhi
* / ground- tal- thalam
*153.downward- tal- adiyil
* stop- tar- thaduththar; letters are read more than once.
*155.broken- tar- udaithar
* walk- tar –adi eduththar;adi- foot;edu- take.
*157.sea- tat- uththi be enough- tau- poathiya
* teete-theiththidu
* it- teey- thei rise/ sun – tagashe – unthuka; uthikka [Skt] .
*162.pick it- teogi- edukka
*163.pick- teoteo- eduththidu
164.weaving- teor- neithar skin – teoraiul- tholai uri ; letters are jumbled; thole- skin ;uri- to peel .
166.bottom- tep- adi
* the opposite/ contrary - teraaiu –ethiraa / opposite
*168.get- tetal-adaithal
*169.take- tetal- eduththal catch- tetal- pidiththal
* ride- tettag- oaattuka
172.lower it down- tettal- thaazha iduthal ; letters are read more than once.
* remove- tettar -eduththar wear a belt- tettar – pattai uduththuthar ; uduththu- wear; pattai- belt.
175.deceived- tettefat –yaeiththidu
*176.broken- tewe- udaiya ; letters are in reversed order.
* of an island in Elato- Teewas- theevu / island
178.mark it- tigeriiy- kuri idu; letters are jumbled; kuri- mark; idu- make.
* it- tigi- theikka
180.push it- tinngi- idinkka / polite form;idikka .
* push- tiiti- idiththidu
182.partition/ house wall- tiit-thaduppu
182.coconut oil- tika – thaenkkai ennai ; thaenkkaai- coconut; ennai- oil . played/ musical instrument- tittig- uoothuka/ to blow a pipe; meettuka; to play string instrument; thattka/ to beat the drum. cut with axe-tittil- thundiththal/ cut off
185.breast -tiut- madi
*186.take a bath- tiutiu –aattu
* arrive /to land- tog- adaika hold- toa- pidi
189.catch it/ hold- toari- pidiththar be rubbed- toafag- thaeikka
*191.rubbing- toatoa- thaeiththidu rub it- toafi- thaei
193.pierce- toga tog- theikka ; yaeththuka.
*194.walk- too- adi edu; adi- foot; edu- take. take a trip/to travel from one place to another and return - tor – yaathra[Skt]; sutru payanam; tour[ E] = yaathra.
197.capture- tottor- pidiththar
*198.river-tour- thirai
* be far /distant- ttaw- etta be snapped off- ttalish -odiththal throw- ttar- etta eri ;throw away ;etta- distant; eri- throw.
* be closed- tti- adai; adaiththidu ; poottu .
203.pick up/ take up- ttib- edu; eduththidu .
* shine/ glow- ttiul- thazhalthal ; letters are read more than once; thudiththal ; daal adiththal.
*205.put something into- titiyeg- iduka/ put
*206.plug up- ttou –adai ; adaiththidu .
* touch-ttug-thoduka
208.barren woman- ulut- maladi
*209.get bored with it- uluuti- aluththida
*210. rain- ut- uootti
*211.belonging- uwat – udaimai
212.canoe- wa-navaai
*213.wide open- waaru- viriya
214.hurry away – waiteg – oaaduka/ run
*215.forest- wal- viyal
* be hit- wauteg- thaakka ; adikka .
217.arise- wel- yezhu
*218.sun- yal- oli ; el; ellai .
219.road- yal- saalai
220.chin- yat – naadi
* pack- yaut- adai ; thattu .
* pack - yauteli- adaiththal; thiniththal .
223.mouth- yaw- waai ; letters are in reversed order.
* exist- yoor-eru
225.brave- faamelat -paem illathu / without fear ; paem- fear ;illaathu -without.
226.tied- feotag- pinaiththiduka
*227.anger/ fury-ssoonag –sinakka
228.benefit- pilaa- palan
*229.block it- taguuw- thadukka
*230.hips- gap -kappai kaantiin- kidankku
* be carved- far- pori
*233.leaf- iul – ilai
*234.word/ talk- mwaliya- mozhiya
235.excavate- gelingi – akazhuka
*236.dash- yat- idi ; moatha. become dark – kiungiulag- kankkul/ night
239.pour out- ttiung- uoothuka ; uoothhtunkka/ polite form .
*240.load it- yauteli-yaeththuthal fish- fita-meen pidi ;meen- fish; pidi- catch .
242. to wrestle- gettatal- mallu kattuthal
*243. writing- girakena- kirukku; kirukkanum . go- la – sellu go- lag- selluka
*246.hit him- wauti – adi / hit
247.give a name- gaita- peyar kodu ; ‘peyar- name; kodu- give.
* load- yaut-yaeththu
*249.steering paddle- tip- thudppu/ paddle
*250.a place where Japanese house was located- kokaito- kudi / village/ house.
251.coconut- liu – ilani/tender coconut
* question- gattiugeo- kaettiduka
253.reveal-gapetaag- kaattuka ; eduththu kaattuka; letters are jumbled.
* be revealed- baatag- poattu udaikka
255.separated- shaperg-pirikka have sexual intercourse- fe- pannu
257.chewed food spit out of the mouth – git- kakkidu
*258.write it- wolati – ezhuthu
259.steal it- galifa- kalavu /stealing; ka= va; va= ka.
*260.rob something- pira- pari
261.make it sure- ganeta- kandippa / surely
262.tear it off- feingi – peikka
263.thin- malif –melliya
*264.think about it- niu niu waneey- enna vaenum
* think- yan- ennu
*266.thread- yel- izhai
*267.make him tired- gaila- kalai; kalaippu/ tiredness.
*268.get tired- il- azhalai
269.get tired- ul- ilaippu
270.tired- maalu- melivu
271.this time-igela- eikkaalam ; kaalam- time/ season .
*272.unhook- wooti –avuththidu / unfasten / unhook walled with boards- ttipaap- thaduppu idu ;thaduppu- partition; idu- make.